Black Friday Poster

BLACK Friday starts NOW!

You have 24 hours to get your discounted products from our amazing designers!

You will find the BLACK Friday Poster at any store participating, click on that poster and you will receive a notecard with each store’s LM!

Happy shopping!

Store URLS


BLACK Friday, June 21st

Black Friday Logo

BLACK Friday is an event hosted by : .:Back[2]Black:.

This event is a monthly event that occurs on chosen Fridays. The Event lasts for 24 hours ONLY. The item that is made by the designers will be on discount, 24 hours. Then the items will either be taken down or put up at regular price!

June 21st will be BLACK Friday’s FIRST Friday!

We are excited to bring to you our first participating designers!

Here is a small preview on what items our designers have featured for us!




FROM 7 Deadly S{k}ins


Dress FROM Kennedy’s


Pants FROM DaZeD DeZineZ

BFEjune21_002 BFEjune21_005

Outfit From: Biker BrAAtz


B[2]B First Event: BLACK Friday!

Black Friday Poster

Our First BLACK Friday Event will be on June 21st 2013

BLACK Friday is a monthly event where participating designers will make a special item and put it up in their store for a DISCOUNT price

This discounted price will only last 24 hours. Then, if the designer chooses, they will set up the item at regular price.

If you want to keep informed of when the next BLACK Friday is every month, please join the inworld Group: .:B[2]B:. >Stalkers<


7 Deadly S{k}ins @ The Garage Fair!!


Garage FairHey There!

Today has started the beginning of the Garage Fair Event in which 7 Deadly S{k}ins and many other amazing designers are featured!

Make sure that you do not miss it!!

Here is a preview of the Exclusive skin line Izara made for the Garage Fair!


Amazing skin for such an amazing price! Jump on it!!

Here is the SLURL:

And if you want more info on the Garage Fair and their many featured designers, here is a link to their website!



DaZeD DeZineZ

Dazed dezinez

DaZeD DeZineZ is a NEW unisex clothing store in Second Life created by the awesome and energetic Heydra Starfall!

She has a variety of selections from awesome mesh clothing to non mesh, to lola/tango appliers!

To find out more about DaZeD DeZineZ and/or to check out her store, check out the links below!

7 Deadly S{k}ins


Izara Zuta is the creator of 7 Deadly S{k}ins. 7 Deadly S{k}ins is a skin store in the virtual world of Second Life.

Izara has been apart of Second life for 4 years now and has finally decided to take her real life designer skills and build something with it here.

[7DS] sells skins that range from basic skins to highly detailed skins for , curvy and realistic shapes, make-ups for each skin, as well as Tango/Lola appliers for each skin! All for cheap prices!

Below are the links to Izara’s websites for 7 Deadly S{k}ins!




Fuh.Q Logo 2013

Fuh.Q is a store in Second Life (SL) created by Chanceyblack Resident. Chancey designs mostly grunge style mesh clothing, along with shapes and tattoos!  He is also married to Izara Zuta the amazing skin designer who founded 7 Deadly S{k}ins.

Chancey is the alt of Lue Moonshadow. Creator of Back2Black.